Prospecting Letter Templates That Will Bring You Business

Another word for letters sent to prospective customers presenting you as an agent is prospecting letters. Prospecting letters must also have a value element in order to be successful.

Prospecting Letter Templates That Will Bring You Business

We’ve put up a few sample templates for you to utilize in order to make a good first impression. That said, it’s vital to remember that the market in which we operate as real estate brokers is like a snowflake: no two are similar. The communications you send to prospective sellers or buyers must be tailored to the current market.

Please bear in mind that if the market and interest rates change, the language will need to be adjusted. In light of COVID-19 and historically low-interest rates, the following templates are relevant to the current economy.

The Introduction or Announcement Letter (Template 1)

Your local community is the intended audience.

This form of a prospecting letter is effective for both new and experienced agents (the agent who has a good amount of real estate business under their belt). This letter will be used to introduce oneself to a certain neighborhood or community group. It’s also simple to edit for use as an introduction letter to new leads after a successful open house.

Subject: Your Local Realtor Will Keep You Informed!

Greetings (Potential Seller or Buyer),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. My name is (your name) and I work as a real estate agent for (your company) (company name). I’d like to introduce myself and share some great real estate news with you.

I provide you (number of years) of expertise and knowledge as a real estate agent to guide you through the home buying and/or selling process. I’ve also lived in (town, city) for (number of years), so I’m familiar with the market.

Whether you’re trying to sell or purchase a house, our current market is a “perfect storm” of cheap loan rates and a scarcity of available properties. To you, what does this imply? If you’re a buyer, low borrowing rates allow you to increase your purchasing power. Buyers can afford to buy a higher-priced property with a manageable mortgage payment. In today’s market, simple economics work in your favor if you’re a seller. Because supply is limited and demand is great, the seller may get many offers and sell for a higher price than anticipated.

I would appreciate the chance to help you with any requests or queries you may have.

I look forward to meeting with you in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

The Low Inventory Letter (Template 2)

Prospective sellers are the target audience.

Assume you’re at a neighborhood event and someone overhears you talking about real estate. What do you believe one of the first things they’ll ask you will be? “How’s the market?” is almost always the first question you’ll be asked. “Is it a seller’s or buyer’s market?” is likely to be the next question you’ll be asked. “At this moment, it’s a seller’s market,” you’d most likely say.

There is no better time to sell a house than now, with a lack of properties on the market and an inflow of buyers shopping for homes. This makes the following template a wonderful way to generate real estate leads since it can be utilized for an agricultural region where you may be working or for prospective “on the fence” sellers who need a little push to get started.

Subject: Now is an Excellent Time to Sell Your Home

Greetings (Potential Seller),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. I’m reaching out to you now to inform you that there are a limited number of houses on the market, making this an excellent opportunity to sell. There are only (number of houses) for sale in the current inventory. The increased number of purchasers seeking properties benefits sellers. Depending on the condition of the property and the home’s features, many of these purchasers are ready to spend more than the asking price.

Please allow me to arrange a meeting with you so that I may discuss this fantastic opportunity with you. You may call or text me at (cell phone number) or email me at (email address) to set up a meeting time and date.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you need anything expedited.

I look forward to meeting with you in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

Letter of Record Low-Interest Rates (Template 3)

Prospective purchasers are the target audience.

Unless you’ve decided to be completely shut off from all news and international events, you’re aware that interest rates are at historic lows. What a fantastic chance for a real estate agent to reach out to prospective buyers and offer this valuable information. When dealing with a first-time homeowner, sending this letter out might cement your rock star status.

This is an excellent time to call out to friends, family, and neighbors to see if they know of anybody looking to buy a house. I’ve always believed that if you don’t ask, you won’t receive.

The Time to Purchase Is Now

Greetings (Potential Buyer),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. I’m very thrilled to reach out to you and tell you that, with loan rates as low as they are, now is a fantastic time to purchase a house. Mortgage lenders say that with interest rates now at or around 3%, a buyer may get $30,000 extra in purchasing power. Please enable me to schedule a visit with you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that you should not pass up. You may call or text me at (cell phone number) or email me at (email address) to set up a meeting time and date.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you need anything expedited.

I look forward to meeting with you in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

The Renter Letter (Template 4)

Do you know why the majority of people continue to rent rather than buy? You most likely believe it is a matter of finances or affordability. Unfortunately, in my experience, many individuals rent because they are unaware that they have the financial means to buy a property. Isn’t it shocking? As real estate brokers, it is our obligation to inform and educate tenants about their homebuying options.

If your state allows it, contact your title firm and get a list of tenants to farm.

Why Are You Paying Down Your Landlord’s Mortgage?

Greetings (Potential Buyer Who Is a Renter),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. I’m very thrilled to reach out to you and tell you that, with loan rates as low as they are, now is a fantastic time to purchase a house. Mortgage lenders say that with interest rates now at or around 3%, a buyer may get $30,000 extra in purchasing power. I’d want to discuss with you how owning a house rather than renting may help you achieve financial stability in the future with the support of a local lender.

Please enable me to schedule a visit with you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that you should not pass up. You may call or text me at (cell phone number) or email me at (email address) to set up a meeting time and date.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you need anything expedited.

I look forward to meeting with you in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

Prospect Letter for Co-Marketing  (Template 5)

Potential local business partners are the target audience.

Even before you acquired your real estate license, you were advised that networking was critical to your company’s existence. It’s critical to surround yourself with firms that can help you build your professional network and strengthen ties with them. Reaching out to area lenders, inspectors, insurance agents, financial advisors, and lawyers, to mention a few, is a wonderful way to get started. These specialists’ skills will be required throughout the home buying and selling process. Why not make use of these connections to generate new business?

Subject: Let’s Double Our Database and Grow Our Business

Dear (Professional/Entrepreneur),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. I wanted to reach out to you to explore a potential mutually beneficial possibility. I’d like to discuss a co-marketing partnership with you in which both of us benefit from increased exposure to prospective customers. We both have customer databases with whom we exchange data, which may be deemed restrictive. Let’s work together on an additional value item that we can distribute to each other’s databases as well as our own, increasing our exposure to future business opportunities.

I’m really enthusiastic about this project and would want to schedule a visit as soon as feasible. You may call or text me at (cell phone number) or email me at (email address) to set up a meeting time and date.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you need anything expedited.

I look forward to meeting with you in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

The Referral Request Letter (Template 6)

Your top-referring friends, family, and prior customers are the target audience.

Asking for new business from individuals you know and love is one of the finest ways to obtain it. These are what I refer to as “raving fans.” If they’ve dealt with you before, they’re already familiar with your business ethics and how you handled their transaction. If they are friends or relatives, they are aware of your feelings. It is your obligation to remind these “raving fans” that you are a real estate representative at all times. Please don’t assume that they will always remember.

Subject: Thankful for My Enormous Fans

Greetings (Raving Fan),

I hope you are well and happy when you get this message. It’s been quite a rollercoaster over the last (number of months). A buddy of mine described it as being in a science fiction film. I wanted to send you a message to let you know you’ve been on my mind.

Because you are one of my “raving fans,” I want to keep you up to date on what is happening in the real estate market. I’d like to share some exciting news with both buyers and vendors. There is now a low inventory of properties on the market, which makes it a wonderful time for homeowners to sell. Mortgage lenders say that with interest rates now at or around 3%, a buyer may get $30,000 extra in purchasing power. If you happen to know a buyer or seller who might profit from the current market circumstances, I’d be delighted to meet with them.

Please feel free to call or text me directly at (cell phone #) or email me at (email address) Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you need anything expedited.

As always, I am grateful to you for your trust, dedication, and support. We are hoping to visit in the near future.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

(Respectfully submitted)

Guidelines for Writing Effective Real Estate Prospecting Letters

According to research published in Psychological Science, a person’s first judgment on competence, trustworthiness, and aggressiveness takes less than a tenth of a second. Unfortunately, the following studies have shown that this first judgment may persist in the minds of potential customers for months. As a result, you may only have one opportunity to save your prospecting letter from the trash bin.

Here are some pointers to help you stand out in the first 15 seconds:

  • Use a “fun” stamp instead of a postage-paid envelope: Using a “fun” stamp instead of a postage-paid envelope, which might make your letter appear like junk mail, is a simple way to stand out. I like to add color, images, and a little personality to my envelopes. This is a fantastic method to build your own brand. My customers, for example, are aware that I like celebrating all holidays and using seasonal mail stamps.
  • Handwrite the address on the envelope: A handwritten envelope is just more personal. When you write a message in your own handwriting, you’re expressing, “I genuinely want to connect with you.” The card’s recipient will “feel the love.” Personalize envelopes with stickers or uplifting remarks to put a smile on the faces of potential customers. This may demonstrate your originality as well as your attention to detail.
  • Use readable typefaces for the letter, such as Times Roman or Arial: As much as we want our letters to seem nice, we must ensure that the reader can easily read the contents. For ease of reading, words should be sharp and clear.
  • Use a title that defines the letter’s topic: Our letter will only be read for a limited amount of time by the reader. A headline might capture their attention to the subject they wish to learn more about. This might potentially lead the reader to click on a different headline.
  • Keep letters brief, pleasant, and to the point: From the moment the envelope is opened to the time it is thrown away. Every second is crucial. Nobody likes reading lengthy letters.
  • Demonstrate concern and care: Life is difficult, and everyone needs to know that someone cares about them. You should be that person. Make an effort to be one of the most upbeat persons in your client’s life. It will be much appreciated by them.
  • Use a passionate and memorable tagline to reinforce your brand and values: Taglines are a fantastic method to reinforce your brand and values. For the last 21 years, my slogan has been “Do you want a lifelong friend, then hire me as your real estate agent.” This is because I want every potential client, current client, company owner, and peer to know that I am committed to building long-term partnerships.

There are a lot of things you can do to ensure your letter is noticed, just as there are a number of things you can do to ensure your letter is filed in the circular file. These are things you should never do in your letter:

  • There is no value or relevant material for the targeted audience.
  • Grammatical and spelling mistakes.
  • Is it more than one page long and difficult to read? (small font)

Furthermore, don’t send a letter until you know who you’re writing to. Use the same technique when composing letters as you use when revealing properties to prevent causing inadvertent offense. Please ensure that you are familiar with the fair housing rules in your region.

Your prospecting letter is not a billboard, so use modest headshots. We tend to have big egos as real estate brokers. Allow your ego to shine through in your negotiation abilities rather than in your advertising. The customer must feel and think that you are focused on them rather than on yourself. Remember: Priority is given to care and concern.

Finally, remember to remain modest. While many of us take satisfaction in working hard and achieving specific goals, there are times when an award is presented to recognize that achievement. A prospecting letter is not the place to list all of your accomplishments. Please consider avoiding “showboating” these achievements in your bio or when presenting yourself in a letter, since this will make you look self-serving.

Tools to Make Your Real Estate Prospecting Letters Easier to Manage

With today’s technology, it’s nice to know that we have tools at our disposal to assist us in seeming as professional as possible. Some of us may not be the best spellers in the world. Some of us may also utilize poor language and produce run-on sentences. It’s comforting to know that we have programs at our disposal to help us with these jobs.

Nothing makes us seem “less in the know” than errors when it comes to spelling. Using a term incorrectly may also be confusing or disrespectful. Consider utilizing Grammarly, which provides a free spell check as well as a letter tone check. “You never have a second opportunity to create a first impression,” as the saying goes.

However, after you’ve written your prospecting letter, you’ll need a mechanism in place to remind you to follow up with the prospective client.


In real estate, one thing I soon discovered is that you don’t automatically receive references if you don’t ask for them. Sure, every now and then you’ll get a present from the real estate fairies, in the form of a community member who says, “Call me, I need you to sell my property.” In truth, the time, money, and effort you put into sending out prospecting letters and asking for references will pay off handsomely. So go out there and prospect.

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